Period care

Premium reusable menstrual cups, discs and leakproof period underwear.

Saalt Wipes package on the beach, resting on the sand, leaning against rocks. Text overlay says "free".
Saalt Wipes package on the beach, resting on the sand, leaning against rocks. Text overlay says "free".

Spend $50+ and your wipes are on us!

Fresh, flushable, and free? Yes please! Use code FREEWIPES at checkout.

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No waste. No leaks. No worries.

We are on a mission to end panicked sprints to the bathroom, sweaters tied around waists, and sleeping on towels.

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Waste Less. Reusable Period Care.

Waste Less

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No pads. No strings.

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Save your wallet and the planet

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Meet Saalt Wear. The thinnest, driest, and most comfortable leakproof period underwear.

Holds up to 6+ pads worth of periods, bladder leaks, sweat, and wetness while keeping you (magically) dry.

"Saalt period panties are like the Lamborghini of period underwear."

— Katie Couric Media

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  • Vogue Logo
  • The New Yorker Logo
  • The Oprah Magazine Logo
  • Image of Peytton holding a Saalt Soft cup package.


    The Saalt Period Cup has saved me so much money because I'm not buying tampons every single month. I was so worried when I switched to a period cup that I would be uncomfortable. This is flexible, it molds to your body, it's soft, and when you insert it you can't even feel it.

  • Image of Kels holding a Saalt Cup and Saalt Disc


    The Saalt Cup is my new bestie! Well technically not new, we've been best friends for about 5 years. Imagine how much money I've saved not buying tampons!

  • Image of Euna talking about her Saalt products


    I wanted to avoid panty lines and the bulk of pads while still wearing leggings at the gym. My solution was Saalt's seamless underwear. I was skeptical at first, but honestly they're very thin and comfortable making it the perfect thing to wear under leggings.

  • Image of Dava sitting on the edge of a canyon, wearing a backpack and hiking boots.


    Truly the best invention ever!! There is a learning curve to it of course…but I promise this will change your life for the better!! Once you get it down you will love it!

1 of 4
Image of a hand holding a Saalt Soft Cup
Image of a hand holding a Saalt Soft Cup

This is the Saalt Reusable
Period Cup. Its like modern
period magic.

It's comfortable, holds 3x more than a tampon, and lasts as long as your passport.

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