Here at Saalt, we are devoted to our customers. For us, this shows up in a lot of ways. It's why we do customer empathy interviews to deeply understand their pain points and preferences whenever we begin designing a new product, it's why we have a team of real, live, Saalt Coaches here to answer your questions at any time. It's why we have our Saalt Bliss Guarantee and we stand behind our products and our mission to change lives.
Today we are posting to make customers aware that during a regularly occurring audit of our Saalt Steamers, we found that one batch of the Sea Glass color steamers had small amounts of BPA in the green base. We have already notified all affected customers directly by email.
Upon receiving these audit results, we began an investigation to find the source of the BPA. The first step was to test samples as well as the raw materials and ingredients used to manufacture the base—particularly the colorant since there was no BPA found in the other colors tested in the same audit. The resulting investigation determined that no BPA was found in the ingredients. Further testing and investigation revealed that the trace amounts of BPA came from exposure to machines used in production that are also used to manufacture other products for other brands. We have worked with the factory to establish a pre-cleaning routine on the production line to avoid any contamination of future orders, and we will continue to do random audits, testing and sampling of future orders to ensure compliance and ongoing quality control.
There's no need to panic—the total amount of BPA detected in the entire base was 0.0117mg of BPA. This is a very small amount, and well below the EPA's reference dose of 2.95mg for daily oral exposure of BPA for a person weighing 130 pounds (and we sure hope you're not eating the green base of your steamer). Dietary advice aside, we have no reason to believe there is a safety risk. Even for a person weighing 50 pounds, the EPA daily reference dose is 1.13mg, about 96 times more than what was found in the base of the affected sage Saalt Steamers.
For those who have an affected green base, please note that your medical-grade silicone Saalt cup or disc is very heat-stable. Silicone is very chemically stable, even at the steamer's maximum temperature, so it's unlikely your cup or disc would absorb BPA. However, because we stand by our products, Saalt is offering to replace any steamer from the affected batch free of charge.
The reason we are offering to replace affected steamers is not because we are concerned about anyone being in danger, it's simply because Saalt has stated that the steamer does not have BPA in it, so it's truly a case of standing behind our word and standing behind our products.
If you purchased a steamer from the affected batch, you should have already received an email from us containing a link to a survey where you can request a replacement. If you would like to replace your steamer and haven’t received this email, please check your spam or promotions folders. If you still don’t see our email, please simply reach out to so we can help. The replacement steamer color will be based on availability (either white, pink, or blue).
We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support and your understanding as we continue to work to make your products safer for you and for the planet.