Saalt Blog

Am I Still a Virgin if I Use a Menstrual Disc or Cup?

Am I Still a Virgin if I Use a Menstrual Disc o...

Virginity is a concept that means different things to different people.

Am I Still a Virgin if I Use a Menstrual Disc o...

Virginity is a concept that means different things to different people.

When Do I Have to Replace My Menstrual Cup or Disc?

When Do I Have to Replace My Menstrual Cup or D...

How do you know when it’s time to replace your cup or disc? Let’s break it down.

When Do I Have to Replace My Menstrual Cup or D...

How do you know when it’s time to replace your cup or disc? Let’s break it down.

Why Does Sex Feel Different During Different Phases of the Menstrual Cycle

Why Does Sex Feel Different During Different Ph...

Understanding the relationship between the menstrual cycle and sex can help you navigate your own body’s rhythms and enhance your sexual experiences.

Why Does Sex Feel Different During Different Ph...

Understanding the relationship between the menstrual cycle and sex can help you navigate your own body’s rhythms and enhance your sexual experiences.

Why Period Underwear and a Menstrual Cup Are a Sustainable Match Made in Heaven

Why Period Underwear and a Menstrual Cup Are a ...

What first comes to mind when you think about sustainability?

Why Period Underwear and a Menstrual Cup Are a ...

What first comes to mind when you think about sustainability?

Can Period Underwear Be Worn During Pregnancy?

Can Period Underwear Be Worn During Pregnancy?

Choosing leakproof underwear during and post pregnancy isn't just practical and comfortable, it's eco-friendly. 

Can Period Underwear Be Worn During Pregnancy?

Choosing leakproof underwear during and post pregnancy isn't just practical and comfortable, it's eco-friendly. 

User Experiences: Why Reusable Menstrual Discs are a Superior Choice Over Disposable Ones

User Experiences: Why Reusable Menstrual Discs ...

Making the switch to a reusable menstrual disc is not just a personal choice—it’s a responsible one.

User Experiences: Why Reusable Menstrual Discs ...

Making the switch to a reusable menstrual disc is not just a personal choice—it’s a responsible one.