Teen Landing Page

Saalt Teen Cup

Simplify. sustain. save. Slay.

Why not try cups as a period care option from the start? From volleyball practice to bonfires to late night study sessions, the ‘set it and forget it’ benefits of a cup make periods manageable. No more hiding a tampon in your sleeve in the middle of class. Introducing the Saalt Teen Period Cup, period care that's better for your body and the planet.

Diverse teenage models holding the Saalt Teen Cup.

Created FOR teens, WITH teens.

From concept to creation, students from One Stone High School collaborated to create the perfect cup for teens.

“I’m so excited to be working with Saalt as they create something with teens in mind. It honestly has made my day so much easier.” 

—Baylee, One Stone student

Created FOR teens, WITH teens.

From concept to creation, students from One Stone High School collaborated to create the perfect cup for teens.

“I’m so excited to be working with Saalt as they create something with teens in mind. It honestly has made my day so much easier.” 

—Baylee, One Stone student

Google doesn't know your period. Demi does!

Demi of Bright Girl Health transforms the way teens see their periods, empowering them to understand their menstrual cycle so they can be friends with their body! Click here for the full parent-teen e-course.

Teen How-to Videos

It's like we're holding your hand. But metaphorically... because you'll need your hand.

Can I Use a Period Cup?

How Do I Change My Period Cup?

How Do I Use A Period Cup?

Staying Period Prepared.

What Size Cup Should I Get?

Can I Use A Period Cup?

How Do I Use a Period Cup?

How Do I Change My Period Cup?

What Size Cup Should I Get?

Staying Period Prepared.



What is the Saalt Teen Cup?

The people call it magic. We call it a period cup.

The Saalt Teen Period Cup is a reusable cup made of soft silicone that is worn internally like a tampon, but collects—rather than absorbs—your menstrual flow. Naturally odorless, biocompatible, and chemical free, the Saalt Teen Cup is a healthy and sustainable alternative to pads and tampons. Because it has 2 to 3 times the capacity of a regular tampon, you can wear it for up to 12 hours before emptying. Yes, that means you only have to change it twice a day, and can sleep with it in. Once inserted, the Saalt Teen Cup’s flexible design molds to your internal shape so you can comfortably wear it to hike, swim, or or all day at school.

Who can use the Saalt Teen Cup?

The Saalt Teen Cup was designed with teens, for teens. The smaller size allows it to fold very small for easy insertion and may be more comfortable for those who are new to using inserted products. This makes it a great choice for teens and for anyone who may prefer a smaller cup (like people with a very low cervix).


I’ve never put anything inside my vagina before or used tampons. Can I still use a cup?

Of course! All it takes is one moment of bravery.

You can still use a cup even if you’ve never put anything in your vagina before or used tampons.
Many people who don’t like or haven’t used tampons use our cups and love them. We encourage you to take your time, go
slowly, and listen to your body as you learn to insert your cup.

For some people, anatomical differences like the size or shape of the hymen or a smaller vaginal
canal may mean that a longer time practicing and learning will be needed before cup use will
come easily. If you have questions, we are here to help! Our Saalt Cup Academy on Facebook is a safe and supportive
place to ask questions and get help to make the transition to cup use a great one!

Will this work right away or does it have a learning curve?

Not as hard as Legos or Ikea furniture, we promise. ;)

There are two big factors that really impact anyone's success with a cup. One is their own
comfort level with learning about their body and being in physical contact with their intimate
anatomy (i.e. putting their fingers in their vagina to insert and remove the cup), and the other is the
level of support they have to help them learn. With time and patience, most people will be
able to use a cup when they have the appropriate support to help them learn what they need to
know about their own body and cup use. We have lots of resources available to help you learn.
Check out our YouTube playlist of how-to videos and our Saalt Cup Academy on Facebook for
resources, or find more in the list below.


What is the Saalt Teen Cup made of?

The Saalt menstrual cup is made of 100% medical-grade silicone and includes FDA compliant dyes that are BPA, latex, and chemical free. The silicone has been tested and certified for cytotoxicity and skin sensitization per rigorous FDA testing standards so it is biocompatible and hypoallergenic. Because silicone is set in a permanent bond, it cannot melt and nothing can ever leach out.

How is a Saalt Teen Cup different?

Glad you asked! The Saalt Teen Cup is a smaller but just as mighty version of the original Saalt Cup with a slightly longer stem for easier removal. It has a 2-tampon capacity and is made with ultra soft silicone. It's so comfortable, you forget it's there.

All Saalt Menstrual Cups are made from 100% medical grade silicone and our unique design sets us apart from the crowd. Our bulb shape creates two points of contact, helping the cup be sensation and leak free as it stays put with a great seal. We use a velvety soft silicone for comfort, but our cup is still firm enough to open easily and retain its shape to prevent leaking. We know we’re partial, but we also love our soft flexible stem that is ultra-comfortable and will never rub or irritate.

How long will my Saalt Teen Cup last?

10 YEARS! Even a commitment-phobe can say 'yes' to that.

The Saalt Cup is made of durable silicone that can last up to 10 years with proper care. If your cup is ripped or torn, or the silicone is showing visible signs of wear or deterioration, it’s time to replace your cup. You can preserve the longevity of your cup by always following Saalt’s guidelines for cleaning, sanitizing, and storing your cup, and by handling your cup carefully to avoid scratching or damaging the silicone.


Where else can I get help learning about my cup?

We're here to share every tip and trick up our sleeves to help you get to period bliss.

Check out these resources below:
Additional FAQ's 
How to Saalt instructions
Saalt Cup Academy
YouTube How-to Videos

You’ll NEVER meet anyone who cares more about your period.

More questions? We'd love to help you.

Reach out to us at sayhey@saalt.com, or visit @saaltco on Instagram to get tips and tricks to get you to cup success.